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Rome, 10/03/2020. Rome's Olympic Village district under the Italian Government lockdown for the Outbreak of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19. On the 22nd March, the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte signed a new Decree Law which suspends non-essential industry productions and contains the list of allowed working activities, which includes Pharmaceutical & food Industry, oil & gas extraction, clothes & fabric, tobacco, transports, postal & banking services (timetables & number of agencies reduced), delivery, security, hotels, communication & info services, architecture & engineer, IT manufacturers & shops, call centers, domestic personnel (1.).<br />
Updates: Italy: 22.03.20, 6:00PM: 46.638 positive cases; 7.024 recovered; 5.476 died.<br />
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The Rome's Olympic Village (1957-1960) was designed by: V. Cafiero, A. Libera, A. Luccichenti, V. Monaco, L. Moretti. «Built to host the approximately 8,000 athletes involved in the 1960 Olympic Games, Rome's Olympic Village is a residential complex located between Via Flaminia, the slopes of Villa Glori and Monti Parioli. It was converted into public housing [6500 inhabitants, ndr] at the end of the sporting event. The intervention is an example of organic settlement, characterized by a strong formal homogeneity, consistent with the Modern Movement's principles of urbanism. The different architectural structures are made uniform by the use of some common elements: the pilotis, ribbon windows, concrete stringcourses, and yellow brick curtain covering. At the center of the neighborhood, the Corso Francia viaduct - a road bridge about one kilometer long - was built by Pier Luigi Nervi […]» (2.).<br />
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Info about COVID-19 in Italy: (ITA) - (ENG)<br />
1. March 22nd Decree Law (ITA)<br />
2. ( MiBACT, ITA - ENG)<br />
12.03.20 Rome's Lockdown for the Outbreak of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19
Rome, 10/03/2020. Rome's Olympic Village district under the Italian Government lockdown for the Outbreak of the Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 - COVID-19. On the 22nd March, the Italian PM Giuseppe Conte signed a new Decree Law which suspends non-essential industry productions and contains the list of allowed working activities, which includes Pharmaceutical & food Industry, oil & gas extraction, clothes & fabric, tobacco, transports, postal & banking services (timetables & number...
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